It wasn’t always like that…
I was reminded last weekend that I was the least likely person to be in the health & fitness industry.
For some people and I know it’s hard to believe, but I was not athletic.
I wouldn’t eat vegetables and often snuck cookies when my mother wasn’t looking.
- In 6th grade (pic above with blue shirt) I was 145lbs
- In 8th grade, (pic above white shirt) I was 188lbs
- In 11th grade, 244lbs
My personal record is that once on a high-school band trip (I played the trumpet), I ate 11-pieces of pizza for dinner. I know what it’s like to be heavy.
I also know what it’s like to be fit, health and energetic…. and I’m not ever going back.
See, many people have good intentions of being fit and healthy.
In fact, each year maybe you join a gym, buy home fitness equipment or get a new fit bit.
But maybe you’ve struggled to get the results that you wanted and deserve.
I understand.
Although this is a big topic with many nuances, I’d like to simplify as best as I can:
How I overcame obesity and live a life of fitness and energy
- Decide – that you ‘Want To’ improve.
- Design – your workouts that are appropriate for any orthopedic limitations and your exercise level.
- Plan – a complete nutritional plan. Your diet is fundamental to your weight loss but also your health and energy.
- Track – Success comes with accountability and evaluating your progress.
What are your goals?
- Lose weight?
- Become fit and healthy?
- Reduce and/or eliminate medications?
- Alleviate pain?
- Live your life with the energy that you want?
- All of the above?
Today is your day to improve! Derek Alessi Ph.D~
P.S. – Whenever you’re ready, here are three ways we can help you feel & look better…
1. Meet With Meet For A Private Consultation
We’ll go through a complete and non-invasive snapshot of your fitness & health and body fat and discuss fitness and nutrition recommendations for you. We will then suggest ongoing ways we can work with you to coach, encourage and track your success.
If you’d like to schedule your private Consultation, just check here:
2. Do our Cornerstone Personal Training, Nutritional Counseling & Track for Success Program
Accelerate your fitness & fat loss results…with our proven “Signature 26-year Program” It’s been our basis since 1993, helping thousands of people lose weight, drop fat, reduce or eliminate medications (in any) and get fit.
Just hit REPLY and put ‘START PROGRAM’ in the subject line and I’ll send you over the details.
3. Learn more about and take part in our new Buffalo Row (Dryland Fitness Rowing Program)
Work with our staff as we deliver a higher intensity workout/row interval training session. For a limited time, we are also including a guest pass, glass hydra bottle and Strength Genesis Cool Towel.
If you’d like to burn the most amount of calories per minute, Register Here: Buffalo Row.