Holiday Survival Guide

I don’t recommend you attempt to make no-carb Holiday meals – it will be disappointing and upset your guests. I recommend that you make whatever is consistent with your family traditions. If it’s a special holiday appetizer, main dish or dessert – have at it and enjoy! It’s not the time to worry about perfect nutrition. However, with the thousands of clients I’ve worked with to help them lose weight, get fit and improve their health, it’s not a ‘Holiday’ that I’m worried about. It’s all the OTHER days.  I’d prefer people focus on the day after Christmas and the day after that. I’d recommend all of the other ‘regular’ non holiday days as the target. See – I’ve noticed a trend – Consistency. People who are fit, ripped, healthy, or any goal you can think of are consistent. They are not perfect

  • They don’t wait for New Years Resolutions – They see everyday as a resolution
  • They don’t wait until the time is ideal – They see any time as ideal if it moves them towards their goals
  • They don’t wait until they are unhealthy or unfit – They see every opportunity to stay fit and improve

The unfair advantage. 

Wait one second and let me explain… 

I’m, not saying that you have to workout exactly at 5am. There are other times that can work fine based upon your schedule. ingyen letölthetö nyerögépes játékok  

However, one of my biggest tips is to exercise FASTED (before you eat), early in the morning.

1. If you exercise, especially strength training (weight training) in a fasted state, your liver will produce more ketones (Acetate). This will help you burn more fat per workout. 

2. Also, let’s face it.  You’re busy. You might have great intentions of exercising after work or after dinner. nyerögépes játékok ingyen  But, it’s hard and you get busy with one more job, email, soccer practice etc., and good intentions can go out the window.  With my private clients – 75% of them workout before 9am Sure we offer evening and Saturday hours but the overwhelming majority exercise early. Not only will you burn more fat all day, you’ll be starting the day off right. (The best part of the day!)

 In the 25-years I’ve been in this business, people that make a plan for seasonal events avoid the 5-7lbs that American’s gain on average from Thanksgiving to New Years.

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