As a kid, I didn’t like veggies.
Maybe that wasn’t entirely true – if you count corn and french fries as veggies. tippmix eredmény
(BTW, I was also 188-lbs in middle school)
Luckily, I had an Italian mother who insisted that I ‘try’ veggies even if I didn’t like them, especially green veggies.
Brussels Sprouts are an oddity in my opinion.
- Every kid hates them
- Most young adults dislike them
- Many adults don’t care for them
I get it.
But have you had them grilled?
Furthermore, have you had them grilled and cooked golden brown with Mac Nut Oil?
I’d like someone to try this recipe and honestly tell me what they think.
I know it may not be for everyone, but I think it will change the opinion of many people.
It’s good – really good.
Furthermore, I have to mention that Brussels Sprouts are loaded with vitamins, minerals, good plant based insoluable fiber and antioxidants.
Antioxidants help to fight free radical attacks in our body.
Which are so necessary all the time, but especially now.
Give it a try this weekend!
Grilled Brussels Spouts
From my book Cooking with Gold Download Here
(For those of you that already have the book, It’s on page 48)
For a buttery but healthy taste, cook it in Mac Oil (taste like Butter)
It will help you with weight control and to be healthy.

TIP: You can do this with or without the skewer!
I’m going to keep them coming!!
Stronger – Healthier – Protected for the long run. gaminator kaszinó: nyerőgépek & kocka játék
You have to eat and you might as well eat delicious and healthy foods. We all need it during a global pandemic or anytime! ingyen kockás nyerőgépes játék
Strength Genesis Mac Oil is also perfect for all of your vegetable sides dishes as well!
Buy at discount: Strength Genesis Mac Oil
Remember, you are able to get all your supplements sent directly to your home at my website:
It is my pleasure helping improve your health & fitness!!