World’s Most Popular Protein Kind Bar and Glucose?

Not the Quest Bar, RX Bar, or the Cliff Bar – But the Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Kind bar is reported on Google to be the #1 most-consumed protein bar in the US.

44.51 million Americans consume protein bars each year!  

Many people eat them because they are convenient and tasty and they think it’s better for them than a candy bar or some other snack. 

But is it?(Watch video: Kind Bar & Glucose)
Kind Bar & Glucose
Let’s first look at the label.
Ingredients are always listed in order of abundance.
•Glucose syrup
•Palm Kernel oil

Just from this list alone – I’m Out!

I would never eat this bar.

It’s a mixture of pure sugar and bad inflammatory fats (palm kernel oil). 
Kind Bar & Glucose
Let’s take a look at the nutrition label.
•Total Carbs 17g – as we know from the ingredients list, it’s not 17g of carbs from broccoli. foci bukméker
•Total sugar 9g

Keep in mind, that a sugar packet is 4g of sugar.

So this bar is more than 2-sugar packets in your mouth!
Kind Bar & Glucose
Kind Bar & Glucose
Kind Bar & Glucose
Kind Bar & Glucose
Kind Bar & Glucose
Kind Bar & Glucose
Using a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) implanted into my shoulder, I measured my results
Before Kind Bar – baseline glucose 88
•12 min after eating Kind Bar – glucose 88
•25  min after eating Kind Bar – glucose 98
•33 min after eating Kind Bar – glucose 104
•46 min after eating Kind Bar – glucose 101

The Peanut Butter Dark Chocolate Kind Bar raised my blood sugar 16-pts of sugar within 33-minutes.
What does all this mean?

Truth be told, I did this test two days in a row.

Day one – Glucose elevated 33pts in 20-min.

Day two – Glucose elevated 16pts in 33-min.

I’m not a fan of any protein bar if I’m looking to drop body fat. friss tippmix eredmények

All protein bars seem to raise blood sugar and hence insulin.

I teach clients to never go above 40mg/dl and I personally try to never go up more than 20mg/dl. nyerögépes játékok ingyen

Doing so will cause a large insulin release, and we all know what that means…
•Higher Body Fat
•More inflammation of joints and blood vessels
•More future carb cravings

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