Protein Balancing

Protein Balancing

Scientist Paul Arciero and his team are big fans of “protein balancing” – eating protein with every meal.

He recently conducted a study, looking into protein intake and how it affects belly fat and training results.

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The Difference

Arciero recruited 50 people (30 women, 20 men) who were already physically fit.

All of them were put on a weight training and cardio exercise program, ad all of them practiced protein balancing.

All consumed the same amount of calories for the 12-week study.

The only difference was protein intake.

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  • Half the group consumed 3 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.
  • The other half consumed 1 gram per kilogram of bodyweight.

After 12 weeks, both groups were leaner, stronger, and had built muscle.

But the group that got more protein had lost more abdominal and visceral fat, built more muscle, and could even bench and leg press more.

Weirdly, they even got better results from their flexibility training.


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The Take-Home Points

  • Even if calories are kept the same, when you eat more protein you get better results from your training, and all else being equal, you lose more belly fat.
  • In these studies, even though the “high” protein group consumed less than a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight, researchers didn’t rule out the idea that more would’ve led to even better results.
  • In another extensive study, this same group of researchers concluded that protein supplements and whole food protein sources were equally effective.
  • A high-protein Diet Can Help You Feel Full
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