When Someone Is Staring Off…
or reintroducing low-carb/low insulin eating, they will oftentimes complain of lack of energy or tiredness, especially during a workout.
What’s happening is that you no longer have a high supply of glucose (sugar) for your body to quickly grab as ‘easy energy.
‘This is ultimately a good thing for both your fat loss and your overall health.
However, it can make workouts and just general daily tasks challenging for a few days.
However, there’s a fix for that.
It’s called caffeine.
And the benefits can help you both in the short and long term.
Let me explain…
New research alert
New research found that our favorite psychoactive drug (caffeine) can cause working muscles to break down fewer proteins during exercise by increasing the availability of glucose.
That means these carb-depleted bodies can work out harder or do more work without fear of losing muscle mass…

What Scientists Found About Caffeine…
The scientists recruited 14 serious cyclists between the ages of 18 and 36.
Each participant was recruited to go on a low-carb diet (less than 10% of calories from carbs) for three days on two separate occasions while maintaining their normal training.
On the third day of each three-day diet, the subjects had to cycle for two hours at 75-85% of their max heart rate.

An hour before each trial cyclists were given either a placebo or caffeine (5 mg. per kilogram of body weight) on a randomized, double-blind basis.
This is approximately 340mg for a 150-lb individual.
Blood samples were obtained at rest (prior to cycling) and at 30-minute intervals throughout the exercise period.
Additional blood samples were taken during the first hour of recovery and at 30-minute intervals.
After a washout period of several days, the cyclists went on another 3-day low-carb diet and the test was repeated.

Amazing Results
- Compared to the placebo group, the caffeine group showed a significant decrease (up to 25% in blood ammonia at 60 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes after beginning exercise.
- The placebo group showed a significantly higher amount of urea in their blood (around 10%).
- The caffeine group showed a significant increase in blood glucose (about 28%) and a huge increase in blood lactate levels (about 80%) 30 minutes after the exercise began.
What Does All This Mean?

This means:
- More energy
- Greater Stamina
- More muscle for a faster metabolism
When the body can’t find enough glycogen (the form in which carbs are stored) in the blood, it starts breaking down amino acids (protein), which, of course, are the building blocks of muscle.
Some of the by-products of this breakdown include ammonia and urea, so if you find a lot of those by-products in a blood sample, you know that protein is being broken down.
However, by simply taking 5mg. of caffeine per kilogram of body weight an hour before a workout, the cyclists in the study avoided this breakdown.
The researchers theorized that caffeine increases blood glucose so that the working muscles wouldn’t have to feed off muscle.
This was further confirmed by the increase in blood lactate levels, which is indicative of glucose being used as fuel (instead of amino acids).
Since we’re not professional cyclists nor do we have to meet the demand of that type of training, I think a lesser amount of caffeine will work just fine.
Pur Pre-Workout – contains 250 mg of caffeine per serving as well as these other benefits.
- Contains the necessary Branch-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) needed to build and repair muscle
- Contains 5g of Creatine Monohydrate, needed to lower blood glucose and aid in the endurance of muscle during a workout
- Sugar-Free
- Sucralose-Free
- Beta -Alanine-Free
- GMO-Free
- Keto-Friendly
- Taste great (like punch)