Coffee is probably the main supplier of polyphenols 182 in the American diet, and probably the rest of the world’s diets, too.
Accordingly, it’s one of the healthiest things you can consume.
\Polyphenols are a group of compounds found in many plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.
These compounds have been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help protect the body against chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

According to research, coffee is a significant source of polyphenols in the American diet, and it is likely that this is true for other diets around the world as well. One study found that coffee accounted for approximately 66% of the polyphenol intake in the American diet, making it the largest contributor of polyphenols among all foods. While it’s important to note that there are many other factors to consider when evaluating the health benefits of coffee, the presence of polyphenols is certainly one of the reasons why coffee has been associated with a reduced risk of certain diseases. Additionally, the high concentration of polyphenols in coffee may be one reason why moderate coffee consumption has been linked to lower rates of heart disease, certain types of cancer, and other chronic conditions |

Recent research shows a link between daily coffee consumption and a lower risk of death from any cause and cardiovascular disease.
The study found that drinking two to three cups of coffee daily was associated with a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death compared to avoiding coffee.
Recent research shows a link between daily coffee consumption and a lower risk of death from any cause and cardiovascular disease.
The study found that drinking two to three cups of coffee daily was associated with a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease and death compared to avoiding coffee.

However, it is important to consider that correlation does not necessarily mean causation, and this study is out of Europe, where coffee consumption is culturally different than in the US.
Therefore, it’s recommended to avoid sugary dessert drinks masquerading as coffee.

There is a much better way to drink coffee that is both healthy and will accelerate fat loss.
It consists of:
- Coffee
- MCT Oil 1 tbsp – derived from coconut
- Ghee (optional)
Personally, I do not add Ghee as I find it too heavy.

MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil has been studied to help with fat loss due to its unique properties.
MCTs are rapidly absorbed and converted into ketones, which can be used by the body for energy instead of being stored as fat.
Additionally, MCTs have been shown to increase satiety and reduce calorie intake, which can lead to weight loss over time.
Studies have shown that adding MCT oil to a calorie-restricted diet can lead to greater weight loss and fat loss compared to a diet without MCT oil.
One study found that consuming MCT oil as part of a weight loss program led to significantly greater reductions in body weight, waist circumference, and body fat percentage compared to a control group.

Using a CGM (continuous glucose monitor) implanted, I measured my results
- Before coffee – baseline glucose 111
- 15 min after drinking – glucose 104
- 30 min after drinking – glucose 107
- 45 min after drinking – glucose 115
- 60 min after drinking – glucose 103
Coffee with MCT Oil keeps my blood glucose steady!
High Octane MCT Oil

What does all this mean?
It means that coffee can be used as a powerful fat booster.
In addition, adding fat to coffee (MCT Oil) also has the additional benefit of decreasing hunger and reportedly increasing brain function according to the NIH.
*Note: Frankly, I just add 1-tbsp of MCT Oil to my coffee and not butter due to taste and digestive reasons.
- If you drink more than one cup of coffee per day, only Add MCT Oil and/or butter to the first cup of coffee.
- If 1-tbsp of MCT Oil is too difficult on your GI tract, start at 1/2-tbsp for two weeks, then increase.
- MCT Oil doesn’t work by magic. For best results, you need to eat a good diet with limited carbs/sugars.
I teach clients to never go above 40mg/dl and I personally try to never go up more than 20mg/dl.
Doing so will cause a large insulin release, and we all know what that means…
- Higher Body Fat
- More inflammation of joints and blood vessels
- More future carb cravings
Always work on keeping your insulin levels low!

The method that is proven to consistently work:For My Private clients it’s:1. Build metabolism with exercise2. Control glucose with diet3. Be Accountable & track progressIf you know of someone who is a good fit for our program for any numbers of reasons:Fat/Weight LossImproved StrengthImproved Immune SystemImproved HealthImproved Bone DensityDecreased MedicationsMuscular/Joint DisordersPlease have them contact us.I will make sure they are well treated and given all the tools for success.I look forward to seeing you soon!****Dr. Derek Alessi: is not a gym or a fitness center.My business is registered with NYS as (NASIC 621999) as a nutritionist and other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services; Physical fitness evaluation services.I handle corrective exercise design and implementation that allows individuals to increase metabolism without risk of injury. Clients are screened with orthopedic and nerve conduction exams to evaluate protocols, DEXA scans are performed, health history and metabolic panel laboratory reports are required. |
Available:Schedule your own Fitness & Fat Loss Consultation Booking: We are setting our schedules for the new season. |