Cooking with Gold Cookbook

Low Glycemic Recipes

Today is a new day. I haven’t told anyone but I have been working on a new book, Cooking with Gold

I had big plans.

I was going to do a series of video releases

I was going to trickle recipes daily (there are 30)

I was going to show you how to prepare foods with demo videos

I was going to do a cooking class and invite all my clients, spouses and their families (hundreds of individuals) and I was going to sell the book!

And then the Covid-19 pandemic :The world comes to a halt

Millions of individuals are sent home, I am forced to close my office (for the time being). However, I hate to change my plans….so I decided to modify I am still going to be doing a series of videos, beginning with the one above. I will still walk you though how to prepare your foods with the best cooking oil in the world. 

However, instead of selling the book, I’ve decided to give you a copy for free

This is something that I released to my private clients first (a perk to working with me and my team). However, I’d like to share it with you as well. قوانين البوكر بالصور  

The reason is: This might be the most important time ever to improve your health

The recipes in this book (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Appetizers) are all designed to improve your health. 

High in antioxidants to fight free radicals and improve your immune systemHigh in vitamins, minerals and plant based insoluble fiber to improve digestion.

Low Glycemic to help you lower blood glucose, Insulin and body fat

Abundant in both protein and good fats to improve lean muscle tissue and bone density.

 Digital Download Cooking with Gold – by Derek Alessi Ph.D

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