There are nearly 40,000 health/fitness clubs in US according to recent statistics.
Many offer FREE:
- FREE access for seniors
- FREE programs for military
- FREE trial memberships
- FREE sessions
And many people have good intentions of improving and getting fit!
With all this access and free-ness why do overweight and obesity statistics continue to rise? مواقع القمار
Clearly there is more than one answer but access isn’t one of them. شرح 1xbet
There is no lack of:
- Health clubs
- Home fitness equipment
- YouTube fitness videos
- Internet or magazine diets
It’s not that at all. It’s a lack of:
- Complete programs
- Ongoing coaching
- Accountability with consistency
It’s like school. You can’t just give a building full of books, computers and chalkboards to kids and tell them to give themselves and education. They’ll also need:
- Curriculum
- Teachers
- Standards
- Evaluations
- Systems
Better resources & structure = better outcomes.
The lack of this important structure is is the reason why over 1,700 health clubs/fitness studios closed in 2018.
I can’t help people who lack good intentions of improving, but once they have the desire to succeed, we can work as a team for long term success.
I’ve been helping people make lasting changes towards healthier lifestyles for the past 25+ years! Schedule a consultation with me to learn how you can lose weight, drop body fat, and get in the best shape of your life!