You saw that right – you can use a calendar intelligently to lose weight, drop fat, reduce meds and get fit!
Of course I encourage individuals to do the ‘right’ things (diet & exercise) throughout the year. tippmix eredmények foci mai
However, if you are a beginner, struggling or not in the shape or health you need to be, there are ways to use the schedule to help. hu|tippmix kalkulator
Most people think of January resolutions as the best time to begin – I disagree.
For many people, especially in the North East (WNY) it’s too cold and dark. bukméker állás
- We’re buried in heavy over-sized clothes
- Zero degree cold temperatures are making us cranky
- Lack of sunlight can lead to acute depression
Not the best time for most adults to do something positive for their health and well-being.
However, September – November can be a much better time:
- Temperatures are not overly hot but still mild and pleasant
- Daylight is waning but still ample and adequate
- No major holidays until Thanksgiving in the end of November
If your health, fitness and well-being are important to you, this is what I recommend:
- Develop – Fitness program that uses larger muscles to burn more fat per day! (best to have the program developed around your limitations and exercise level)
- Establish – Easy to follow nutrition plan that manages glucose and insulin without starving!
- Consistency – Evaluate every three to four weeks fat loss for ongoing progress!
I’ve been considering the idea of helping a handful of people with recommendations to improve their health and fitness right now in the beginning of September.
If that’s you, let me know ASAP and we’ll get to work (Click Fitness & Fat Loss Consultation).