Exercise with Joint Pain? Good question!

Q) How do we lose fat and improve health if I suffer from knee/shoulder/hip/back pain?

A) While the wrong type of exercise (especially impact) can damage joints further, making the pain worse, the right corrective exercise can begin to alleviate the problem.

It is possible by:

  • The right exercise
  • A low insulin/inflammation diet
  • Lowering body fat and obesity based conditions
  • Tracking success with accountability

Knee Pain:

Knee issues are most common among adult women.

Much of the problem stems from weak glutes and hamstrings that do not support proper alignment.

Over time, the bones (femur and tibia) fall inward and place increasing pressure on the cartilage and meniscus of the knee. 

This can cause pain, loss of range of motion and eventually surgery.

To help prevent and begin to correct the problem, a workout design needs to focus on strengthening the muscles of the glutes and hamstrings at least twice per week.


Shoulder Pain:

Shoulder problems are common among both men and women.

A common theme is weak muscles in the upper back and rear parts of the shoulder.

Over time and once a person reaches the age of 40, this causes the bones of the shoulder to rotate forward.

Once the bones are out of alignment, the shoulder is in a bad position and is susceptible to many injuries.

To help prevent and begin to correct this problem, a workout design needs to focus on strengthening the muscles of the rear delts, mid-back, upper back and traps.


Back pain:

Back pain can happen with both genders and at any age.

After a diagnosis is made and pain is not acute it is best to go into a prevention mode:

  1. No Impact (Treadmill, running, jumping, dancing etc)
  2. Strengthen the posterior side: glutes, hamstrings, back
  3. Lose weight and drop fat to reduce unnecessary weight

The back can have many different types of injuries.  All must be treated individually.  However, all back injuries can be worked into a well designed program.


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