If You Had to Guess…What Percentage of Americans Do You Think Are Physically Healthy?
What do you think…?
40 percent?..
20 percent?..
The Answer: Just 7 percent.
Yikes right?

How To Measure Cardiometabolic Health?
Researchers boiled their definition down into five categories:
- Blood pressure – above 120/80
- Blood sugar – Fasting above 100mg/dl
- Lipid Levels – Triglycerides above 150 mg/dl with low HDL
- Obesity – Body fat above 35%
Presence or absence of cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, etc.).

How Can One of The Wealthiest Nations in the World Have Less Than 1 Out of Every 15 Adults in Optimal Health?
According to this study from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, only 7% of American adults have good cardiometabolic health.
What’s Even More Frightening?

These statistics are from 2017-2018.
It is pretty safe to assume that given the past few years with weight gain during the pandemic, these stats are probably more troubling today than they were 5 years ago!

What Does All This Mean?
It means…
That the majority of American adults (93 percent) are not in good shape regarding their health.
However, the positive associations with lower glucose, insulin, and HA1c are extremely positive.
This is resulting in:
- A declining life expectancy – 75.3 years
- Increased medication – average four (4) prescriptions per adult
- Increased joint pain – shoulders, hips, knees back, etc
- Lower quality of life
- And more