Fish Oil benefits:
- Improved Heart Health (We’ve known this for decades.)
- Improved Blood Pressure & Diabetes (We’ve known this for years.)
- Reduced Body Fat (We learned this recently.)
- Improved Depression Symptoms (We JUST learned this!)
Study published last week in World Psychiatry revealed: The strongest evidence of supplements having positive effects on mental health was for omega-3s, taken alongside conventional treatments for major depression.
300 Million People: This development is critical for the more than 300 million people globally who suffer from depression. It is the world’s leading cause of disability, defined by the ADA as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activity. gaminator download pc
Hope and benefits: While this newsletter is not intended for personal medical advice, it does offer hope and multiple benefits to consuming the right kind of Omega-3 Fish Oil.
- Helps lower blood pressure
- Helps Lower Blood Sugar
- Helps lower triglycerides
- Helps weight management
- Repairs neurons and cells that have been damaged with AGE(s).
- Safe if consumed with Cold-Pressed processing
- Doesn’t help individuals that have fish allergies
- Doesn’t work by itself – other behaviors such as diet and exercise should be added
- Doesn’t work in conjunction with blood thinners
- Ineffective if Fish Oil is not Cold Pressed, in fact, it could be potentially harmful
I recommend for my clients:
- The right exercise
- The right diet
- Track success
- Cold Pressed Fish Oil every day
Omega-3 Cold Pressed Fish Oil – by StrengthGenesis is one of the strongest and most potent COLD-PRESSED Fish Oil on the market and the supplement I use for myself, my clients and my family!
If you’re ready to lost weight, drop body fat and get in the best shape of your life, and you want a personalized approach to get you there, schedule a consultation with me!