Monthly Archives: March 2020

3 Tips & 10 Home Workouts to Improve Immune System & Reduce Stress

I know it’s been a big week in the news: more controversy, more infections, more death, [...]

Home Workout Series: Lower Body

Calvin filmed this in his basement. 1) Swiss Ball Hamstring Bridge Roll-out 1. Begin laying flat [...]

Home Exercise Series: Full Body

Thank you for the wonderful comments regarding Cooking with Gold Recipe Book. I’m glad you like it! [...]

Drop Fat for Lunch

Lunch can be tricky if you are trying to lose weight, drop fat & improve [...]

Increasing Immunity – Tips to Boost Your Immune System

*This information is not intended as personal medical advice. Our immune system is extremely important. Many [...]


Nuts can help you drop body fat, lose weight and be healthy. However, if not [...]

The ‘Skinny’ on Carbs

I did a diet talk this past weekend for a private group and it kind [...]