Monthly Archives: June 2020

Home Workout Series: 4 Slam Ball Exercises to Lose Weight and Improve Strength

Slam Ball Exercises to Lose Weight 4 Slam Ball Exercises for more strength and weight [...]

Sleep & Willpower: Master Both in 5 Easy Steps

Hopefully you are enjoying better sleep with each and every day. Yes there are many factors: [...]

Proven! 10,000 Steps a Day is a Lie!

And it increases your metabolism EVERY day, not just on the days that your exercise.  So please [...]

Grilled Brussels Spouts

As a kid, I didn’t like veggies. Maybe that wasn’t entirely true – if you count [...]

Quarantine “COVID-15” (Not a Joke)

Individuals that are attempting to improve their health in an organized and safe manner should [...]

Lose Fat and Fix Back?

One exercise to lose weight, drop fat, increase strength and decrease pain at the shoulders, [...]

Olive Tapenade (Appetizer, Snack, Dip)

This is an easy one. Use as an appetizer Use as a snack Use as [...]