Monthly Archives: December 2020

My First Breakfast of 2021

I wanted to get this out to you today so that you could PLAN this for [...]

Forget Abs and Cardio!

The Secret to Determining Your Health While many people exercise working their abs, arms and [...]

The Best Dr. Derek Keto Approved Pizza

The Best Keto Approved Pizza Let’s talk PIZZA?? You may be thinking a keto diet approved [...]

Break the Lazy Holiday Week with these weight loss and fitness tips!

For many people, this is a ‘Lazy Week.’ I get it. The rationale is understandable [...]

The Most Important Day of 2021 for Your Fitness and Weight

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday. It was well-deserved and within a year like [...]

3-Mistakes of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting (IF) is currently one of the world’s most popular health and fitness trends. [...]


Clean Week = 10X Weight Success

This week is a WATERSHED Week! (Def: A dividing moment) I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving [...]

Eat Clean x 7

I know there is a lot to worry about and your health needs to be [...]