4 Slam Ball Exercises for more strength and weight loss!
It seems as though I have an anger management issue with SLAMMING. I think on some days I might, but luckily not today… It’s time for a slam ball workout. This is a cool series of exercises to do with a SLAM ball. elo tippmix The goal is to get a great workout that will benefit your body. And it does so in many ways, such as:
- Strengthening the abs and low back
- Burning 500 to 1000% more calories per minute (measured in METs)
- Increasing bone density
- Developing the legs and shoulders
- Improving your grip strength as you age
And more! As an extra bonus, it’s also fun and does help get out some F-R-U-S-T-R-A-T-I-O-N!!
- Traditional Slam
- Launch Slam
- Twist and throw Slam
- Walking Slam
Watch video for demo
Keep it going!! Stand with your feet, throw the ball! ingyen kockás nyerőgépes játék
Every little bit helps!!!!
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I hope these ideas and resources bring you value and insight during this critical time in history.
Please do your part in setting a positive tone during this time. bukméker állás
Please stay safe, wash your hands, choose to develop more skill and insight, and care for those you love and yourself.
I hope this helps.
It is my pleasure helping improve your health & fitness!!