Author Archives: alessi_admin

Shed Pounds and Slash Body Fat

We know that Apple Cider Vinegar is beneficial for digestion and general health, but can [...]

The Heavy Weight Fight

In the culinary cage match, Strength Genesis Macadamia Nut Oil doesn’t just outperform Extra Virgin [...]

Shawn Hayes: Dropped 50 total pounds, 45 pounds of fat/ Increased strength, rehabbed a torn shoulder!

In the past 12 – months, Shawn has dropped: Shawn at a Glance:

Ron Matre: Ron has been a client for 30 years! (He’s been with me since the beginning)

His first day was February 22, 1993. In the past 30- years Ron has Ron at a [...]

Coffee & Creme Wake Up

We made this delicious smoothie for our in-house clients this week.They seemed to love it [...]