Yes, I Dr. Derek like Bono and U2 – but that is not why I’m wearing these blue light glasses.
Blue light is all over the news.
- It can be bad if over abundant especially in the later part of the day.
- It can cause problems before bedtime for someone who has difficulty sleeping.
- It is a parent’s nightmare for tween and teens and their sleep schedule
However, blue light can also be helpful for weight loss, exercise and career productivity if used the right way.
- A dramatic increase in real energy (not a jittery stimulant like 5-Hour Energy or Red Bull)
- An increase in attention and focus
- A desire to begin workouts
- A decease in Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
It’s not a total solution by itself, but when used properly with the right diet, exercise and accountability is a game changer – huge improvement in your body, energy, mood, and happiness.