Yearly Archives: 2021

Christmas Survival Guide

I’m a bigger fan of preventing weight gain than roller-coaster weight gain and weight loss. [...]

How much does Wine really affect blood sugar?

Wine. How much does it really affect blood sugar? كازينو اونلاين Does it matter if [...]

7 Tips to Lose Fat

I know there is a lot to worry about and your health needs to be [...]

Fat Dropping Breakfast | Snack!

Protein Pudding – Ultimate Meal and Craving Buster! This can be used for:BreakfastLunchDinnerSnack*Dessert* I have [...]

Have Pelotons Become Coat Racks?

Even after spending $2000 on a bike and hiring celebrity trainers they couldn’t keep people [...]

Check Your Fingernails!

Updated for 2022 Our bodies are always telling us something about our health. I am [...]


It’s Like Eating 25 Slices of Pizza!

If you find yourself elbows-deep in a plastic pumpkin full of candy this year for Halloween – [...]

The Scoop on Soy

Soy – It’s In Everything…      Even if you don’t think you are consuming a [...]


Did You Already Know This About Weight Loss?

You’ve known this all along but recently the media is trying to get the rest [...]

5-Signs Your That You Aren’t Eating Enough Fat

ExternalInbox Dietary Fats For some individuals, dietary fat tends to still have a bad reputation. [...]

Does Keto Ice Cream Keep You Thinner?

Keto Ice Cream… Is it the next diet breakthrough to help people lose weight, drop [...]

Good News…

As it is so often in life, perception is everything…. Yesterday I wrote an email [...]