Category Archives: Fitness

The Most Important Day of 2021 for Your Fitness and Weight

I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday. It was well-deserved and within a year like [...]

Clean Week = 10X Weight Success

This week is a WATERSHED Week! (Def: A dividing moment) I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving [...]

Ages 40 to 65: #1 Fitness TIP

What are your goals? Lose weight? Become fit and healthy? Reduce and/or eliminate medications? gaminator 777: gry [...]

Younger and thinner….

Younger and thinner – sounds like a dream…. However, unlike fairy-tales, this dream can come [...]

Get more out of every workout!

If fat-dropping is your goal, it’s best to exercise before you eat. It will help to produce [...]

Home Workout Series: 4 Slam Ball Exercises to Lose Weight and Improve Strength

Slam Ball Exercises to Lose Weight 4 Slam Ball Exercises for more strength and weight [...]

Lose Fat and Fix Back?

One exercise to lose weight, drop fat, increase strength and decrease pain at the shoulders, [...]

Home Workout Series: Farmers Walk & Carry Workout

Farmers Walk & Carry  Want to get something more out of plain walking? Nothing is wrong with [...]

Home Workout Series: Kettlebell DETOX WORKOUT

I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend! Now, just in case you didn’t [...]

Home Exercise Series: Outdoor Workout

Use whatever equipment you can. Yes, you bring weight outside. But if you don’t have [...]

Home Workout Series: Landmine Twist & Press

I hope you had a wonderful and HEALTHY weekend! Time to get back to work [...]

Home Workout Series (Slam IT!)

Happy Monday! I hope you had a wonderful and HEALTHY weekend! melyik a legjobb fogadóiroda   [...]