Category Archives: Nutrition

The ‘Skinny’ on Carbs

I did a diet talk this past weekend for a private group and it kind [...]

Taco Tuesdays for Weight loss?

Tacos are NOT a fat dropping meal – traditionally. Eating most tacos will increase glucose, [...]

Impossible Burger Review & Fat Loss

The Impossible Meat – the big hype all over the media.  Burger King Little Caesars [...]

Intermittent Fasting for Fat Loss

Intermittent fasting is interesting. Not everyone needs to drop 40, 50, 60+ pounds. Many people [...]

Diet Cheat Sheet – Keto vs. Paleo vs. Intermittent Fasting

Which Diet is BEST for you? There are so many diets available, to decide which [...]

Say Goodbye to Heartburn & Hello to Fat Loss

*This is a message created for my private clients but since it pertains to so [...]

Pizza, Wine, Ice Cream & Weight Loss

Good news, there is a time and place that you can still drop body fat [...]

How Many Meals a Day?

Is it 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1? It depends on two factors. Click: Best [...]

4 Ways to Intermittent Fast

The past two weeks I have shared my Keto vs Paleo vs IF Diet Cheat Sheet (See video below).  [...]

29 Paleo Diet Do’s and Dont’s

This entire week I have shared my Keto vs Paleo vs IF Diet Cheat Sheet. All three [...]

Move Over Breakfast

Breakfast NOT most import meal study finds… After 60+ years of hearing breakfast was the most [...]

How to Eat Clean 7 Days This Week

Remember, it’s an INSULIN game. Insulin is a very important hormone. Its main job is [...]